10 Movies You Hated Before You Even Saw Them

4. The Impossible

The Impossible
Summit Entertainment

Why people hated it: The Boxing Day tsunami is one of the worst natural disasters ever, with almost three-hundred thousand killed and millions more severely affected. Centred in the Indian Ocean the majority of those affected were Indians, Indonesians and Sri Lankans.

So when the first high profile film on events was going to focus on an English family on holiday people were quick to scream about its insensitivity. Picking out a white family amongst all the people whose lives were irreversibly ruined smacked of Western cinema repurposing the disaster for their own financial gains.

Starring Ewan McGregor, Naomi Watts and Tom Holland (who does not act like a first-timer at all), the film gained added controversy as the story had made the family, who were in real-life Spanish, English.

Was the hate justified: Well, The Impossible is a good film, so any hate is a little unjustified. This isn't meant to be the definitive take on the tsunami and its aftermath, rather one story that came from it. Sure, it positions itself to play directly for an English/American audience, but so do most films.

Almost in response to the controversy, the final scenes of the film see (spoiler) the reunited family leave the country, with them finally seeing the widespread nature of the destruction.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.