10 Movies You Hated Before You Even Saw Them

3. Cars

Cars Lightning McQueen

Why people hated it: If a car was a living thing where would its eyes be? It's obviously the headlights. And that is one of the central sources of why people hated Pixar's Cars from the very start.

Putting the eyes in the windshield was read as an attempt to make more marketably cartoony characters in preparation for a merchandising empire. This approach, coupled with a human-less world from the normally incredibly inventive Pixar (up until that point all their films had been only slight twists of our own), meant from its very conception people were very expectant this would be the film to break Pixar's winning streak.

Was the hate justified: Cars was a more commercially minded film from the studio that traditionally put ideas first, but it wasn't the terrible film some would have you think. The world on a base level is stupid, but its creatively brought to life and them moral, while not original, is touchingly delivered.

In fact, when compared to the competition it's one of the better movies for kids. The series even tried to address the headlight controversy by showing us what the cars would like in Cars 2, but by that point the original detractors had given up.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.