10 Movies You Must Watch 1000 Times To Spot This
The subtlest movie details you'll probably never find.

One of the many possible signs of a great movie is one which allows fans to keep peeling back layers of detail with each subsequent viewing.
And while there's of course a limit to how much audiences can realistically gain from repeat watches, sometimes films continue to reveal new details after hundreds or, in theory, thousands of watches.
We're certainly being a little cute here because, of course, how many of us have ever watched a single movie hundreds of times, let alone thousands?
But these 10 movies all nevertheless hid fascinating details in plain sight which could easily be missed by most people no matter how many times they've seen them.
From ingeniously sly Easter eggs to fanbase-splitting details, strange set design decisions, sneaky cameos, and everything in-between, only the most committed of fans would stand a chance of actually catching these secrets themselves.
So, don't feel bad if you didn't spot these fascinating hidden nods and references. This list was inspired by a fantastic recent post over at /r/MovieDetails, which uncovered a certain fascinating detail in the brilliant Toy Story 2...
10. Al Has A Drawing Of A Bug's Life In His Apartment - Toy Story 2

It's no secret that Pixar just loves to include references to both prior and future projects in their films, and while many of these visual nods are incredibly easy to spot on a first, second, or third viewing, others are eye-trickingly subtle enough to only reveal themselves much later.
Case in point, Toy Story 2 contains many visual nods to Pixar's previous film A Bug's Life, but there's one that even the most die-hard Pixar fans likely missed, and yet /r/MovieDetails poster "Successfully_Messy" recently uncovered on an alleged 1000th viewing (hyperbole notwithstanding).
In the apartment of villainous toy collector Al McWiggin (Wayne Knight), there's a framed drawing hung on the wall which, upon closer inspection, contains a sketch of A Bug's Life's protagonist Flik (Dave Foley).
To the untrained eye it seems like nothing more than a series of scribbles, but examined up-close in the more recent high-resolution releases of the film, it's undeniably a drawing of Flik.