10 Movies You Should Only Watch Stoned

7. Sharknado

american ultra
The Asylum

Regular disaster movies like Jaws and Twister are well and good when you're sober, but watching any realistic entries in the genre while in the midst of a nice high is just too heavy of an experience.

You need a disaster movie that, on the surface looks ridiculous and fantastical, but also one that, upon further analysis, could totally happen. Enter Sharknado, the only movie that posits the question: What if Tornadoes had sharks in them?

As you watch a man lunge headfirst into the mouth of an oncoming shark(nado) with a chainsaw, only to be "eaten alive" while Tara Reid and a Ryan Phillippe lookalike watch on melodramatically, you might find yourself thinking, "That's not an effective way to kill a Sharknado, buddy."

And when that man begins slowly, painstakingly chainsawing his way out of the shark's stomach, you'll think, "You don't go in chainsaw-first, man. 'Cause the shark could still clamp down on your body before the chainsaw does anything to its insides."

And as the man basically births himself out of the side of that shark, dragging one of the previously "eaten" victims out with him, you may still be stuck on the process with which he leapt so carelessly into the mouth of that killer shark. But it's cool. That's what the rewind button's there for.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.