10 Movies You Should Only Watch Stoned

6. Super Troopers

american ultra
Fox Searchlight

Watching the whole movie through the lens of the guy in the opening sequence that eats "a hundred bucks worth of pot and thirty bucks worth of shrooms" only to lick the window of a police car and lament that the snozzberries do, in fact, taste like snozzberries would surely shine a whole new light on the antics contained in Super Troopers.

But since that's a terrible idea that could very well endanger your physical and mental wellbeing, maybe consider viewing it from the perspective of one of the guys in the front seat. Who are a regular amount of stoned.

Being high during Super Troopers will make some of the surprisingly clever one-liners stick a little harder while letting you appreciate the subtleties of Brian Cox's performance as the gruff and snarky Captain O'Hagan.

And sure, you may find yourself just a little bummed out when the movie's storyline doesn't halt so you can watch the full-length Johnny Chimp movie the cops confiscate (Afghanistanimation rules!), but at least you have the satisfaction of watching two grown men chug syrup and another take a large bit out of a bar of soap so he can spit it into someone's lap.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.