10 Movies You Should Only Watch Stoned

2. Across The Universe

american ultra
Columbia Pictures

Yeah, yeah, maybe your parents got a big kick out of watching The Wall back when they still got lit from time to time, but this is the 21st century dammit, and all that World War II symbolism is just going to set you up for a big time bummer. (And who really wants to watch someone get put through a meat grinder when they've got a nice, mellow buzz on?)

Instead, why not take yourself on a Magical Mystery Tour with the music of The Beatles? And while any of the movies starring the Fab Four are fine enough options - Yellow Submarine, in particular - I'd recommend going on the complete journey, one that encompasses every stage of their career.

Across the Universe features recreations of Beatles classics rather than the original recordings, but that part doesn't really matter. Jim Sturgess does a pretty good job of singing the tunes, and the rest of the cast fills the melodies out pretty well.

The music, surprisingly, becomes less important than the amazing visuals and overall vibe of the movie, which goes from super chilled to pretty trippy over the course of two hours. Fair warning: Eddie Izzard as Mr. Kite is going to blow your balls right out of the water.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.