10 Movies You Totally Forgot Had Sequels
1. Marley & Me: The Puppy Years (2011)

Ok, I admit this entry is somewhat cheating because Marley & Me: The Puppy Years is technically a prequel, not a sequel. Nevertheless, it is a follow up movie and it is awful.
The first Marley & Me film may have just come across as another cheesy rom-com for much of the audience. It may not have been ground-breaking or seamless as a movie but nevertheless, it’s a lovely film that appeals to the whole family.
The problem with the puppy years is how much it mocks the original Marley & Me. The first movie looked at a man’s journey through life, how he made a home with his family and how his dog played a massive part in his life. And we all know how heart-wrenchingly upsetting the ending of Marley & Me was, yet this spinoff just tears all that apart and destroys what was originally a beautifully poignant story.
It’s cringingly bad, even for kids – the tagline “The World’s Worst Dog is Back” is enough to make your toes curl. Whoever (wrongfully) produced this film decided that Marley should talk, allowing for some hideous CGI lip sinking. There is absolutely no purpose to the follow up – it’s just a showcasing of slapstick and bad attempts at humour.
It is true, some sequels are fun to watch because of how entertainingly bad they are but this one will just flat out ruin the original film for you.