10 Movies You Totally Forgot Had Sequels
2. S. Darko (2009)

Donnie Darko has gained a devoted fanbase over the decades. It’s the type of movie which only gets better with each viewing because it leaves your mind to ponder over so many of its unanswered questions. The heightened emotions, the deliberate confusion, the dark comedy aspects, the haunting mood of it all – it’s a film that you will be thinking about for days after you’ve viewed it which is why it’s so compelling to re-watch, giving you an altered perspective of the story each time. It really has earned its cult classic status over the years.
So you’d think that Donnie Darko wouldn’t need any kind of spinoff or sequel, given that all the conspiracies and fan theories to spawn from it would make it untouchable? If only this really were true.
There should have never been a sequel to Donnie Dark regardless, seeing as it would have stomped on the themes of the original, but S. Darko lacks any effort of even trying to be a good movie. Allegedly, the original writer Richard Kelly was mostly overthrown by new directors and barely got a hand in developing the follow up movie. It clearly shows as there is a significant decline in every feature of the sequel.
The lead characters are extremely dislikeable, the soundtrack has no bearings on the drama. Furthermore, S. Darko tried too hard to maintain the same edgy dynamics as the original in order to create a thought-provoking piece of storytelling but it all comes off as frustratingly confusing.