10 Movies You Totally Forgot Had Sequels
7. The Birds II: Land's End (1994)

Alfred Hitchcock is arguably one of the greatest film directors of all time. Some of the greatest movies ever have been under the umbrella of Hitchcock – Rear Window, Vertigo, North by Northwest etc. He’s rightfully earned the unofficial title for the master of suspense as his work continues to influence filmmakers to this very day. His best movie is Psycho – a suspenseful Horror, expertly crafted with that famous slasher music and tightly edited cinematography to really amplify the intensity of the psychological thriller. In fact, Psycho was so good that it had three more films to come after it which explored Norman Bates and his hotel even further.
Another one of Hitchcock’s to earn a sequel? The Birds.
The particular decision to make a follow up movie for this one really makes no sense. Though a very enjoyable and exhilarating movie, The Birds was considered a decline in his work – lacking the complex camerawork and dynamic characters that his earlier films were fruitful with.
With a sequel to The Birds, there was really nowhere to go with it. It literally was just the same story told over again, only with low level production values. There was no unanswered questions from the first that needed to be satisfied in Land's End. At least the Psycho franchise had some innovation when exploring the character of Norman Bates and his motel but The Birds 2 is just painfully dull.