10 Movies You Turned Off After The Opening Scene

8. Requiem For A Dream (2000)

A Serbian Film
Artisan Entertainment

And the lunacy continues - we're back to the psychodrama and in this case, it's one of the best (or worst, depending on the type of entertainment you like) - Darren Aronofsky's Requiem For A Dream. If you haven't seen this film, then by all means dive in, but be warned; just because it's considered a modern art-house gem doesn't make it any less disturbing or flat out weird.

Based on the 1978 book (of the same name) by Hubert Selby Jr., Requiem For A Dream focuses on four main protagonists, Harry, Marion, Tyrone and Harry's mother Sara. Each fall foul of drug dependency and the film shows the lengths they will go to for the next score. Aronofsky's quick pace cuts and split screen techniques provide the perfect canvas for this type of story - a decent into addiction, psychosis and desperation.

The opening scene sets the grim tone; Harry (Jared Leto) is trying to steal his own mother's (Ellen Burstyn) TV to hock for heroin. Sara locks herself in the bathroom to protect herself from her son, so we have an inkling into the lengths he will go to for just one more fix. The opening credits nimbly foreshadows this by intercutting with Sara's TV being wheeled through Brighton Beach (New York) over great distances by Harry and Tyrone.

This was Aronofsky's second film and one that would earn him a place as one of modern cinema's most original artists but are you sure your brain can handle two hours of this?


A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...