10 Movies You Wish Were Made Differently

4. A More Cartoonish Visual Style - The Lion King (2019)

Shia Labeouf Transformers

After the success of Jon Favreau's "live action" remake of The Jungle Book, expectations were high for his take on The Lion King.

But it soon became apparent that a movie as singularly expressive as The Lion King did not lend itself well to a hyper-realistic visual style.

There's no denying that the lifelike CGI renderings of the movie's animals are absolutely exquisite, but the illusion is frequently broken when the characters speak, sing, and basically have to do anything that a real animal wouldn't.

There's a jarring clash between the ultra-believable Nat Geo-style animal movements and their awkwardly animated faces, which lack the appealing expressiveness of their cartoon counterparts in an attempt to make them seem more "real."

As such, it probably would've made sense for Favreau to pull back on the commitment to realism somewhat, instead finding a middle-ground between the cartoonish original designs and the photo-realistic ones we ended up with.

If the characters were given more space to clearly emote and resemble their lively original designs, the Lion King remake wouldn't have seemed like quite such a soulless, mechanised production.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.