10 Movies You're Embarrassed You Love

8. Batman & Robin

Freddy Vs Jason
Warner Bros. Pictures

Batman & Robin is a terrible movie; one of the worst of all time. It, and the tragic Superman IV: The Quest For Peace, destroyed moviegoers perception of the superhero genre as anything artful or mature (that was until Sam Raimi saved us all). It’s a mess from beginning to end, with terrible acting, ridiculous writing and horrible dialogue, stupid action and cheap-looking sets.

But holy crap is it funny. It’s so bad that you can’t help laughing at it - it’s The Room of superhero films. Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mister Freeze is inspired casting, and his puns are so lame but funny that he’s genuinely good fun to watch. And who the hell thought the bat-suit should have nipples?!

If you were asked what your favourite superhero films are, you couldn’t ever admit that Batman and Robin is one - it killed the Batman film franchise for years and upset many fans, so it’s best to keep this one quiet.


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