10 Movies You're Embarrassed You Love

5. The Wizard

Freddy Vs Jason
Universal Pictures

The ultimate nerd movie. While Ready Player One and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World celebrate geekdom, The Wizard is on another level (ha, video game jokes). Released in 1989 at the height of Nintendo’s popularity, The Wizard is a 100-minute glorified commercial for Nintendo products that was most notable for introducing Super Mario Bros. 3 to America.

Nowadays, watching other people play video games is pretty common thanks to YouTube and Twitch, but 30 years ago people had to pay to enter a cinema to watch people play video games. The plot is pretty much a ripoff of Rain Man, and the villain is stupidly stereotypical. The movie has gained a cult following since, but exactly how much do you want to admit you paid money to watch a kid play a 30-year old NES game?


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