10 Movies You're Embarrassed You Love

4. Twister

Freddy Vs Jason
Warner Bros.

Let’s be up-front - Twister sucks. The special effects and sound design are really it’s only good parts, because the characters are paper-thin, the plot is boring, and it’s driven by that dull disaster-movie techno-babble dialogue that makes you think you’re learning something when you’re not.

It’s the kind of generic Hollywood blockbuster that was getting churned out through the 90s and 00s until Marvel came along and taught people how to make good blockbusters.

So why would you like the movie? Simple - it’s just plain fun. Like Batman & Robin, it’s just hammy enough to turn your brain off and just appreciate the ridiculousness of it all. Don’t question how or why a cow is flying around in a tornado, laugh at the craziness of the image. Just don’t be telling anyone who cares about movies that this one’s good.


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