10 Neat Little Easter Eggs In Thor: The Dark World

1. The 616 Universe

616 Selvig Arguably the coolest of these neat little Easter eggs is another one of Selvig's scribblings on the chalkboard in the already-discussed scene in the care home/mental health institution. In the Marvel multiverse, every individual continuity has a name. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is designated as the 199999 Universe and, therefore, the Earth of that continuity is called Earth-199999. However, the most prominent continuity in Marvel is the standard, primary continuity of the comic books, which takes place in the 616 Universe - with the Earth of that timeline being called Earth-616 - and you can clearly see that, on Erik Selvig's chalkboard, the term "616 Universe" is written and underlined. Now, although it's 100% unlikely that we're ever going to see an impossible crossover between the live action characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the inked characters of the 616 Universe, it's very cool to see a reference to the latter, which could indicate that Erik Selvig acknowledges that the two universes co-exist as part of the same multiverse. Or it could just be a meaningless Easter egg. It's awesome, nonetheless. So there you have it; ten neat little Easter eggs in Thor: The Dark World. Like this list? Did you notice any other subtle Easter eggs in the movie? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.