10 New MCU Characters We Can't Wait To See In 2023

8. Gravik

Adam Warlock Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel Studios

As soon as the Skrulls were introduced in Captain Marvel, fans have been gunning for an adaptation of one of Marvel's most memorable events, Secret Invasion. In this storyline, the Avengers discover the shapeshifting Skrulls have been infiltrating human society for years by taking the identity of heroes and other significant figures. When the superheroes realise they can't trust each other, it isn't long before they all start turning on their friends, allies, and family.

Although these extra-terrestrials have been rewritten in the MCU as allies to mankind, the Disney+ series, Secret Invasion, will introduce a schism of nefarious Skrull rebels, led by a new character called Gravik.

Despite the fact few details have been revealed about him, die-hard fans suspect Gravik is a Super-Skrull, meaning he's capable of assimilating the abilities of four superbeings simultaneously. Considering Marvel Studios has taken major liberties with the Skrulls so far, this theory doesn't sound too far-fetched. Since he's supposed to serve as the primary antagonist of the series, it would be pretty boring if Gravik had nothing to distinguish him from the other Skrulls.


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