10 'Next Big Thing' Movies That Completely Flopped

1. Gemini Man

Gemini Man
Paramount Pictures

Will Smith is one of the few actors working today that still has some semblance of star power left. Consequently, with bona-fide star draw in short supply, it makes sense for a studio to come to the conclusion that two Will Smiths would be an easy home run. Why cast someone else opposite him, when with the advent of CG technology he could play himself?

Gemini Man was the film that made that idea a reality, but it didn't stop there. Director Ang Lee wanted this film to boast the cutting edge of cinema technology, and filmed the project in 120 frames per second - something no other movie had done before. Peter Jackson's The Hobbit trilogy experimented with higher frame rates, but only bumped it up to 48fps, because most cinema chains can't even display the format correctly.

To maximise the experience (and ticket sales), Gemini Man was released in a bunch of different formats, including regular 2D, IMAX, Dolby Cinema and HFR 3D+. No amount of gimmicks could help it make a profit though, and Lee's experiment proved that even two Will Smiths isn't enough to make a higher frame rate for movies an appealing prospect.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3