10 Non-Essential Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters We’ve (Sadly) Only Seen Once

8. The Other (The Avengers)

The Other The reason we'd like to see more of the Other in future Marvel Cinematic Universe is simple; Because we really didn't learn anything about him in the Avengers movie. He was shrouded in mystery - literally, his shroud covered his face - and all we learned about him was that he was a servant of Thanos who provided Loki with the Chitauri army with which he invaded Earth. Whilst he was obviously beneath Thanos in the authority rankings - indeed going down on his knees to explain the failed attack on Earth to the Mad Titan - he appeared to rank above Loki, referring to him as "Asgardian", talking down to him and indeed telling him off like a small child if he showed the smallest hint of stepping out of line. It would be great to learn more about his origins, his powers and his general character. Perhaps he will appear alongside Thanos when the Mad Titan inevitably makes his presence felt in future movies.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.