10 Non-Horror Movies That Are HORRIFYING

5. Jurassic Park


Though Jurassic Park is primarily a sci-fi adventure film made for the masses, make no mistake - it's one of Steven Spielberg's few forays into the horror genre. Hell, the legendary filmmaker himself even called it "Jaws on land."

Even if you can overlook the innately scary prospect of dinosaurs being brought back to life and running riot, there's the picture's surprisingly intense throughline for a romp that was otherwise marketed towards families.

After all, who among us can forget the nauseating sequence where the park's chief engineer, Ray Arnold (Samuel L. Jackson), has his arm ripped off, nor the generally squirm-inducing tension of basically every set-piece featuring the dinosaurs?

Jurassic Park is a film that's left generations of young viewers absolutely terrified, and rightly so, such is the brilliance of Spielberg's gut-wrenching direction and the superbly well-aged creature effects. Even though the horror elements were toned down considerably from Michael Crichton's source novel, Jurassic Park is still a horror movie in its very DNA.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.