10 Non-Horror Movies That Are HORRIFYING

2. Trainspotting


Don't let that euphoric opening Iggy Pop-scored sequence fool you into thinking otherwise - Trainspotting is one of the most evocative and authentic depictions of the horrors of drug addiction ever committed to film.

As slick and entertaining as Danny Boyle's black comedy is, it's also a genuinely disturbing nightmare of a movie at times, best evidenced by that scene involving a baby, and some of the more heightened, surreal imagery throughout.

But more than all this, Trainspotting captures the means through which drugs, and heroin in particular, strip the soul from a person's body, turning them into a pallid husk - a mere shadow of their former selves.

It's all wrought with intense stylishness by Boyle alongside immaculate, unforgettable performances from the entire ensemble cast, led of course by Ewan McGregor. Though it remains one of the most popular British films of the 1990s, never lose sight of the fact that Trainspotting is also a terrifying plunge into the destructive power of addiction.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.