4. Secret Honor (1984)
It might shock you to learn that there's a 90 minute movie featuring Phillip Baker Hall, confined to a singular room, ranting and raving as a drunk and potentially suicidal Richard Nixon, but it totally does - and what a performance that Baker Hall (and daftly underrated actor if there ever was one) turns in here. Directed by Robert Altman at a time when Robert Altman wanted to make movies like this,
Secret Honor is something of a forgotten gem, if only for its memorable last line ("F*ck 'em!"). Sure, it may only be good for one watch, but it's a watch that'll stay with you, akin to the experience of watching a good play. Set in Nixon's study during the '70s, the movie has the President monologuing to himself about the sum of his entire career into a tape recorder. It's a strange, bizarre and ultimately engaging slice of filmmaking - interesting in a number of ways, but mainly as a showcase for Hoffman, who proves himself to be an actor of tremendous talent. He is, as you're no doubt aware, the only actor in the entire movie. The honor is ours.