10 Notable Movies Featuring (Mostly) Two Actors

7. Persona

Persona 1966
AB Svensk Filmindustri

Ingmar Bergman's 1966 existential masterpiece might be the director's best film, an ahead-of-its-time drama in which a young nurse (Bibi Andersson) cares for a mute actress (Liv Ullmann) only to find her sense of self slowly evaporating.

Bergman's surreal ambiguity won't be for everyone, but Persona is a film that lives and dies on the strength of its two central performances.

There are a few brief, scattered scenes featuring other actors, but 90% of the movie is all about Andersson and Ullmann's characters as they become increasingly intertwined with one another.

Moreover, Bergman famously shot large portions of the movie in close-up, further heightening the already strong level of intimacy implied by a two-actor movie taking place in a confined location.

Again, it may be too impenetrable for some viewers, but if you can get on-board with Bergman's dreamlike vision, Persona is a richly rewarding, brilliantly acted ride.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.