10 Notorious Box Office Bombs That Are Actually Pretty Good

9. Waterworld (1995)


Budget: $175m Box Office: $264.2m RT: 42%

Waterworld was written off as a dud long before it hit theaters, thanks to a legendarily troubled production that had seen the budget swell to $175m, making it the most expensive movie ever made at the time. However, it was actually one of the ten biggest box office hits of 1995 (out-earning both Braveheart and Heat) and even managed to turn a profit thanks to home video sales. Also, its actually a better movie than many people would have you believe.

Well, the Director's Cut is anyway. The theatrical version of the movie remains impressive from a visual standpoint, featuring massive practical sets and set-pieces that were becoming increasingly rare in the wake of the oncoming CGI revolution. Narratively, it falls wildly short and suffers from an uneven tone, a lack of characterization and plot holes you could sail a ship through.

By adding 40 minutes of previously unseen footage, the Director's Cut gives more depth to both the plot and characters, as well as an ending that is much neater than the one seen in theaters. Its hardly a great movie by any means, but Waterworld remains a hugely ambitious and frequently entertaining example of Hollywood grandiosity, despite its tainted legacy as a byword for studio excess.


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