10 Obnoxious Viewpoints Closeminded Moviegoers Hold

1. Rotten Tomatoes Consensus€™ Are The Holy Grail

476770 Rotten Super Reviews in general can provide both insight and a sycophancy. I believe that every review should be taken with mixture of your own pre-concieved notions or critical analysis. When people start regurgitating others opinions as if their the Holy Bible regardless of it€™s the late great Roger Ebert or someone trying to get their foot in the door on this very site, that€™s when the purpose of reviews gets skewed into something ugly. Sites like Rotten Tomatoes while admittedly useful on a surface level (chances are if The Getaway has a 1% aggregate across 100+ reviews it really is worthless) lose their intended purpose as well when people see a score in the 50€™s. That doesn€™t mean something is unanimously terrible but much split, and that if you were already intrigued it might just be for you indeed. Just as often you€™ll see a movie that got ripped to shreds and come away confused because hey, you liked it whether you thought it was legitimately well crafted or a guilty pleasure. So I urge you to stop vicariously living your cinema experiences through aggregate sites like Rotten Tomatoes and to just watch what you find intriguing. Splice your thoughts into the reviews and use them as a baseline, not fact. I promise that you€™ll enjoy movies much more that way. Are there any other viewpoints or aspects about your fellow moviegoers that irritate you? Let us know below!

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.