10 Obnoxious Viewpoints Closeminded Moviegoers Hold

2. It€™s Not In English So F*** It!

06.03.2013oldboy 22 This entry will be a little on the short side because it€™s so basic and nonsensical that there€™s not much to say besides I pity those that can€™t read dialogue for two hours. Fantastic movies can come from literally anywhere and you€™re just simply disserving yourself by watching from inside a bubble. You aren€™t reading high art or sophisticated literature, but rather basic dialogue you€™re already familiar with. I weep for every person that rents a film from Redbox and writes a review consisting of €œThis isn€™t in English, I was bamboozled, don€™t rent it!€ accompanied by repulsive grammar.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.