10 Obnoxious Viewpoints Closeminded Moviegoers Hold

6. Everybody Is An Informed Caster

joker You can date this one way back to the late 80€™s when Michael Keaton was cast as Batman and the fanbase flipped out. The same thing seemingly happens consistently within Batman films ranging from Heath Ledger€™s Joker to Anne Hathaway€™s Catwoman to our current s***storm with Ben Affleck. It gets tiresome and annoying seeing fanbases go berserk just because they€™re apprehensive towards a casting decision, mostly because all their whining ends up flip flopping into universal praise. Cool your jets people, and just let things play out before passing down judgment because at this rate you€™re turning into a laughing stock of moviegoers always shaking your fist at a decision.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.