10 Obnoxious Viewpoints Closeminded Moviegoers Hold

5. The Trailer Was Awful So The Movie Sucks

Man of Steel It should go without saying that marketing and more specifically, trailers can play a crucial role in what moviegoers perceive of a film. You ever talk to someone with strong opinions of a movie they€™ve never even seen? It€™s not fun - it's actually incredibly irritating and begs the question, why the hell do we pass judgment from trailers? There are movies out there with enticing and promising trailers that unfortunately resulted in crap but for every one of those situations is a film that has a misrepresentative trailer squandering what is actually a fantastic film. Even worse is when our stubbornness blocks us from swaying opinions because the trailer was just so darn impressionable. We€™ve all seen a relatively crappy movie before that drew us in with a tantalizing trailer so awesome we couldn€™t allow reality to settle in and shift our opinion after the fact. We need to start taking trailers at face value while passing our final judgment onto the actual film.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.