10 Obscure Background Movie Clues That Explain Everything

9. Mr. Pink Was Caught - Reservoir Dogs

Blade Runner Deckard Eyes
Miramax Pictures

There aren't many better directorial debut outings than Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs. What's more impressive is that arguably the most important event of the movie, the heist that informs the rest of the story, doesn't even happen on screen.

Everything that happens from the opening scene in the diner onward is because of the diamond robbery orchestrated by Joe Cabot (Lawrence Tierney), but this isn't the only important thing that Tarantino didn't show his audience.

The fate of almost every character is cut and dry, in that they all die, other than Mr. Pink. After the shootout between Joe, Eddie (Chris Penn), and Mr. White (Harvey Keitel), Steve Buscemi's character grabs the diamonds and gets out of dodge. What happened to him next is seemingly a mystery until you watch the movie with the subtitles on or with the volume turned way up.

After Mr. Pink leaves, in the background of Mr. White cradling a dying Mr. Orange (Tim Roth), police sirens can be heard, as well as very faint gunshots only really confirmed by the subtitles. It would seem that none of the men who came together to rob the diamonds in the first place got to keep them, as it's highly suggested by this that Mr. Pink was caught red-handed.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.