10 Obscure Movie Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

8. Alien Displays - Blade Runner

Alien Blade Runner

His critics will often say Ridley Scott hasn't delivered on the promise of his early career. It's hard to argue that point on the likes of Body Of Lies and The Counselor, but it seems a bit rash to overlook the adored Gladiator. And, to be fair, few directors would be able to top a double-whammy of Alien and Blade Runner; those two genre-defining movies, the director's second and third features respectively, are rightly regarded as some of the best sci-fi ever made.

With easter eggs on the DVD for the Alien prequel Prometheus hinting at a link between Peter Weyland and Eldon Tyrell, fans are expectant to see the worlds of the two movies linked in the upcoming Alien: Covenant (i.e. Prometheus 2) and Blade Runner 2049.

Of course, eagle-eyed fans will have been aware of a connection between the movies from the very beginning - in Blade Runner the console display for docking a Spinner is the same as the undocking of the Nostromo's landing vessel. The real-world reason behind that is that it was a good way to keep costs down on a visually complex film, but it also serves as a nice little wink to the xenomorph franchise starter.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.