10 Obscure Movie Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

7. George Harrison - Life Of Brian

Life Of Brian George Harrison
Handmade Films

Life Of Brian, Monty Python's controversy-ladened second film (And Now for Something Completely Different was anything but, featuring reshot scenes from the series), is full of hilarious moments that come so fast they put modern comedies to shame.

Just before he's captured by the Romans, Brian is introduced to Mr Papadopoulos, who, and this should be kinda obvious given his incredibly scouse accent, is played by none other than George Harrison. It's not just a cameo from the former-Beatle, however, but a little reward. In what Terry Jones described as "the world's most expensive cinema ticket", Harrison financed the film, mortgaging his house and forming HandMade Films in the process.

Far from the Kings of British comedy showing off their show-business connections, they're giving a thank you to someone who without the film wouldn't even exist. Harrison had previously more overtly cameoed in Eric Idle's Beatles parody The Rutles, although there (given the connection) it was more basic.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.