10 Obscure Movie Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

5. The Origins Of Captain America - The Incredible Hulk

edward norton incredible hulk

Everyone knows Bruce Banner got his anger management issues after an unhealthy dose of radiation. Quite how this happened varies from take to take - originally he got caught in the explosion of a gamma bomb - but the common reason on film is that one of his experiments went wrong.

Given that the whole thing is scientifically preposterous (oh yeah, sorry, you can't actually mutate yourself into a green monster), little effort was ever put into giving reason to why Bruce was doing his experiments. The Incredible Hulk, the Edward Norton take on the character, tried to right this, with General Ross explaining it was an attempt to replicate "abio-force enhancement research project developed during World War II". At this point The First Avenger was still three years away, so few in the audience picked up on it, but this means the Hulk is a failed attempt to mimic Captain America.

It doesn't end there though - the mid-credits scene featuring Tony Stark has him state "that Super-Soldier project was put on ice for a reason". Ice? The film may be middling but its winks are awesome. It's a little more obvious now given the events since, but how often do people willingly rewatch The Incredible Hulk or remember any of this.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.