10 Obscure Movie Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

6. The Shining Is Everywhere - Toy Story 1 And 3

Toy Story The Shining

When a family animation references a film with a slightly older target audience this tends to be a little wink for the adults watching; Shrek built itself around having jokes only the parents would get. You certainly wouldn't expect a plethora of references to a film to be snuck in for the benefit of no one in particular. Yet that's what's going on with Toy Story; it is literally full of references to The Shining that unless you're one of the obsessives from documentary Room 237 you'd probably never pick up on.

The carpet in Sid's house is the same pattern as that in the Overlook Hotel (although it doesn't seem to change orientation like in Kubrick's horror), while Toy Story 3 is obsessed with the number 237 (the Overlook's creepiest room); the garbage truck at the start has license plate RM237, Trixie's dinosaur chat friend uses online tag Velocistar237 and one of Sunnyside's security cameras is labelled OVERLOOK R237.

Once you know they're there it's obvious, but why would you be looking in the first place? Lee Unkrich, director of Toy Story 3 and editor of the first two, says his favourite movie is The Shining. You'd never have guessed.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.