10 Obscure Movie Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

3. Bob Kane's Drawing - Batman

Bob Kane Batman
Warner Bros.

When you're talking about comic creators having appearances in movies based on their characters the obvious name involved is Stan Lee. Appearing in twenty-one Marvel movies (including ones for heroes he had no part in creating), his cameos have become so prominent even comic book greenhorns can spot them. Although that doesn't stop fans pointing it out in the cinema as if it's a secret in-joke.

By comparison, D.C. hasn't got as much to offer, although Bob Kane's cameo in Tim Burton's Batman is, if anything, better than anything Lee's ever done. Serving as a project consultant on the biggest screen take on his character at that point, Kane also provided a drawing to feature in the film; he drew the suited man-bat, complete with his signature, used to mock reporter Knox's theories.

It's just a shame Kane himself didn't physically appear as the artist. Distracted by the humour, it's easy to not pick up on his contribution, even on rewatch.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.