10 Obscure Movie Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

2. Everything's An In-Joke - King Kong

King Kong
Universal Pictures

Before The Hobbit, King Kong was the biggest example of Peter Jackson's ability to stretch his movies beyond what their source material would allow; you could almost watch the 1933 original twice in the time it takes to slog through his 2005 remake. Although it's certainly overblown at points, there is a lot more thought in the film that initially appears; pretty much every scene has some complex reference to the classic film.

It'd take much too long to list them all, so let's just give you a taste of how rewarding the film is for serious Kong fans. The movie Denham's filming on the way to Skull Island uses the same dialogue as Merian C. Cooper's film, while his early plans for the production directly nod to the original; the Fay who's a "size four" is actress Fay Wray and the RKO production she's tied up in is the real King Kong. And, getting a little less obvious, the T-Rex's have an anatomically incorrect three fingers on each hand because the original made that error.

Best of all, the scene where Kong throws the crew off a log and down into a put of giant bugs is the realisation of an lost scene cut from the original; for any fan it's a literal dream come true.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.