10 Obvious Horror Movies Goofs We Can't Believe We Missed The First Time

1. A Bendy Shovel - Secret Window

Secret Window Johnny Depp
Columbia Pictures

Sometimes the difference between a scene being one that sends chills up your spine or unintentionally leaves you chuckling can be something as simple as the material a prop is made out of.

That was certainly the case during the horror thriller known as Secret Window.

In this Stephen King adaptation directed by Jurassic Park screenwriter David Koepp and starring Johnny Depp, the latter's character of Mort Rainey, a writer of mystery novels, ends up colliding with an odd bloke by the name of John Shooter.

Shooter, played by John Turturro, claims that Mort has plagiarised his own short story, and he is not happy about it. In fact, at one point, when the two clash outside of Mort's cabin, Shooter even goes as far as to pin his enemy up against a tree with a shovel that had just been swung at him by said adversary.

It's a quite intense scene, right until your eyes hone in on the handle of that tool. In order to ensure the safety of the actors, a rubber shovel has evidently been used here.

Making sure everyone involved isn't at risk of injury is obviously vitally important when shooting this sort of physical moment, but making the intimidating act itself look somewhat real is also quite crucial, and using such a bendy material for the prop shovel did anything but that.

It's the sort of mistake that is hidden in plain sight, staring you right in the face in the middle of the frame, but one that many justifiably missed after being thoroughly distracted by an A-lister squirming against a tree.

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