10 Obvious Horror Movies Goofs We Can't Believe We Missed The First Time

2. A Switching Limp - Bone Tomahawk

Secret Window Johnny Depp
RLJ Entertainment

One of the most brutal horror pictures you'll ever experience, Bone Tomahawk is certainly not a film for the faint-hearted.

And with many folks likely finding themselves understandably squirming behind a pillow or their own leg throughout S. Craig Zahler's horrific Western, those same viewers probably completely missed a pretty obvious goof.

Arthur O'Dwyer, a man trying to save his wife from cannibals, is seen hobbling around on an injured right leg in the film, often using a crutch. However, for one moment, a miracle occurs! Arthur's right leg suddenly heals as he, his wife, and Deputy Chicory manage to escape the Trogolodytes. Rather than incredibly making a complete recovery in no time, though, his left leg is now the one he's struggling to use.

As one viewer on Reddit pointed out, this strange leg swap mistake may just be the result of the scene being flipped, possibly because the sight of the characters just wandering off in the same direction (to the right) for back-to-back shots just didn't look as interesting as having them move in different directions as they trudged across the land.

That would explain the odd injured limb change, at least.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...