10 Obvious Horror Movies Goofs We Can't Believe We Missed The First Time

9. The Predator Clearly Has Rubber Claws - Predator

Secret Window Johnny Depp
20th Century Fox

Keeping in the sci-fi/horror arena for this next entry, the far more beloved John McTiernan classic that is Predator will always be a glorious 107 minutes well spent.

Boasting a stellar ensemble cast, led by the iconic Arnold Schwarzenegger as Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer, these marines ultimately come up against the terrifying killing machine that is the titular alien creature. But even a deadly monster like the Yautja can be hurt, and it's during a moment when the spine-ripping nasty tends to one of its wounds when an often overlooked production gaffe rears its head.

Despite the terrific suit worn by Kevin Peter Hall being detailed enough to fool you into believing you were watching a sharp-clawed hunter treat its damaged leg here, there's just no hiding the fact that those nails were anything but the real deal.

Said very much rubber claws comically bend as the Predator sorts itself out in this scene, briefly but clearly killing the illusion of its mighty paws being equipped with some stiff, spiky fingernails. 

But who needs sharp claws when you can just slice your enemies in two with some wrist-blades, though, right?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...