10 Obvious Horror Movies Goofs We Can't Believe We Missed The First Time

7. A Crew Member Helped The Christmas Tree Attack - Gremlins

Secret Window Johnny Depp
Warner Bros.

Another instance of a helpful crew member unintentionally getting some screen time, one of the many gremlin attacks to go down in Joe Dante's 1984 horror comedy treat Gremlins contains a pretty glaring accidental cameo.

However, this silly goof is still easy to miss amid all the chaos that unfolds when Billy's mom Lynn is ambushed by a gremlin in a Christmas tree.

Instead of focusing on the glowing red eyes present in that festive tree, though, look to the left of them and you'll actually be able to spot a human being stood behind the tinsel and decorations. Said red-shirt-wearing member of the crew then proceeds to hilariously shake the tree and assist in hurling it onto Frances Lee McCain as the gremlin tries to bite a chunk out of Lynn.

Would it really have been too difficult to wear a less noticeable colour than red in this moment, or even just stand a little further around the tree to avoid being caught by the camera? Apparently so. 

Someone definitely ended up on the Naughty list for this blunder that you'll never be able to unsee during a rewatch.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...