10 Obvious Signs You’re About To Be Murdered by a Movie Slasher

At WhatCulture! we€™re big horror movie fans. After all, it€™s one of the most enduring genres in Cinema and its presence in fiction can even be felt way back before the screen, through literature and theatre. And as with any genre so steeped and storied in history, it€™s generated more than its fair share of tropes and clichés. Cinema took hold of horror in around the 1920€™s, arguably with Nosferatu and ran with it. And for the most part, it€™s never stopped running. As a genre it may fade from mainstream consciousness from time to time but eventually, the next great horror visionary will produce a work and the process of its popularity will begin again. This article focuses on a particular brand of horror; the classic slasher genre. Few sub-arms of Horror have borne more clichés, more predictable set-pieces, than the slasher picture. These films usually follow near identical groups of people (most often sexy teens) as they come a cropper against some superhumanly wily and often near indestructible psychopath. Each time it's practically the same basic situation and each time, the same idiotic mistakes are made. So, how should you avoid making these mistakes yourself, should you find yourself in the sights of a movie slasher? Well, that€™s what I€™m here to answer! So join me as I examine the 10 most obvious signs that you€™re moments away from becoming movie slasher fodder (and how to address them of course).
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.