10 Obvious Signs You’re About To Be Murdered by a Movie Slasher

10. You Find Yourself Suddenly Alone

If you€™re travelling on foot with a group of friends (they€™ll most likely be cool, sexy teenagers) and you suddenly find you€™ve taken a wrong turn, gotten lost or are alone for whatever reason, then there€™s a very good chance you€™ve just inadvertantly painted a slasher target on your chest. Movie slashers usually prefer the lone target, particularly toward the beginning of the film; unfortunately chances are that in this instance that€™s you. You might not be the first to die, but you€™ll certainly be among the first handful. Should have paid more attention to where you were going shouldn€™t you? The Solution: Try to be mindful of your surroundings; those with their head in the clouds never usually make it to the credits. And for god€™s sake, whatever you do, refrain from calling €œBilly?! Dave?! Come on you guys, this isn€™t funny!€ They won€™t answer. Chances are their entrails are already getting closely acquainted with the business end of a rusty machete and chances are that yours are next. There€™s only really one solution: run and pray.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.