10 Old-School Movie Action Heroes Who Need Rebooting

1. John Rambo (Rambo)

Why He Needs Rebooting: Some are going to argue that the Rambo character is just too iconic to reboot, but let me put this to you: how many of the Rambo films were actually any good? The first is an underrated masterpiece, the next two were forgettable action fodder, and the fourth was memorable largely because of its insanely, almost hilariously gory finale. Stallone's best days on screen are long behind him, so we need an actor with a thinner neck to take over the role. Plus, reinterpreting the character for the Iraq War era could be very interesting indeed. Who Would Play Him: Tom Hardy is the first actor to come to mind: he's extremely intense and would handle the scenes of emotional trauma well, and he's also an excellent physical specimen. Perhaps an actor of Hardy's caliber could restore the series' reputation as a thoughtful riff on the consequences of violence rather than the mindless sequels it is better remembered for. Are there any other action heroes you want to see rebooted? Or do you have different picks for the above characters? Shout it out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.