10 Old-School Movie Action Heroes Who Need Rebooting

6. Snake Plissken (Escape From...)

Why He Needs Rebooting: Escape from New York is one of John Carpenter's best films, a riotous dystopian classic, though it's hard to say the same for the sequel, Escape from L.A., which was just too goofy and undid a lot of what the original set-up. Given that a third film has been languishing in development hell for almost 20 years, and Kurt Russell is soon enough going to be too old to convincingly play Snake, why not reboot it? Who Would Play Him: As this project is an actual reality (though if it ever sees the light of day is another matter altogether), Josh Brolin and Gerard Butler were previously circling the role of Snake, but just last year it was reported that the shortlist now consists of Jason Statham and Tom Hardy. It's difficult to imagine Statham in this type of role (let alone with hair), but Hardy would certainly be an interesting choice: he's got the necessary look and he's proven in films like Warrior and The Dark Knight Rises that he's a pretty tough cookie.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.