10 One-Off Slasher Horror Movie Villains Who Must Return

9. The Blissfield Butcher - Freaky

Prevenge Ruth
Universal Pictures

Probably the most likely film on this list to receive a sequel, 2019’s Freaky was a high concept horror that did the business with critics and viewers alike. A body swap slasher picture, it sees a high school girl and a hulking serial killer wind up swapping skin by means of an enchanted dagger.

Kathryn Newton is superb as the teenager with the killer’s psyche, but more obviously entertaining is Vince Vaughn, who of late has been putting his massive frame to good use. The incongruity of a big middle aged man acting like a teen is good for a few laughs, but Vaughn plays it as straight as possible, effectively bringing humanity to both characters.

Freaky is a smartly told story about identity and confidence in oneself, but the stakes are raised exponentially by the lingering threat of The Blissfield Butcher. He’s portrayed primarily by Newton, who gets to run the gamut of serial killer body language and head tilts, though finds himself back in the convincing hands of Vaughn for the denouement.

While it would take some wrangling to have these characters swap bodies once again, Freaky was a good - and successful - enough film to give it a go.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)