10 Original Casting Choices That Would Have Ruined Famous Movies

2. Dana Carvey & John Lovitz - (Bad Boys)

Lovitz Carvey Before Michael Bay decided that he wanted to make a movie that people would actually want to go and see, Bad Boys was intended as a vehicle for comedy actors Dana Carvey and John Lovitz, both of whom were renowned for their work on NBC's Saturday Night Live. At this point in time, the movie was called Bulletproof Hearts, because - for some reason - they really, really, really didn't want this to make any money at the box office. Eventually somebody decided that Bad Boys shouldn't star Carvey and Lovitz at all, and Will Smith and Martin Lawrence - then notable TV actors - were cast as buddy cops Mike and Marcus respectively, transforming the series into a far hipper, more crass and violent venture than first intended. $141 million dollars later, and a powerhouse franchise was born. One can imagine how dated the Carvey/Lovitz version would feel now.

All-round pop culture obsessive.