10 Outlandish The Dark Knight Rises Rumours That Didn't Come True

9. Bruce Wayne Will Die

Speculation: The biggest point of contention through all of the hype and rumour was whether Bruce Wayne would manage to survive the events of The Dark Knight Rises, given his grim hermetic state at the film's beginning, and the inevitability of him eventually being "broken" by Bane. While there were no big leaks of information - even though we all read far too much into what recent interviews were saying about the film and a possible continuation - anyone who is anyone speculated on this, and so in the end we all had to wait until the lights dimmed at the cinema to find out for sure. Fact: In a sense, it is Batman who "dies", and while some have made outlandish claims that Bruce Wayne in fact died also - and that the final scene in Florence is simply Alfred's own grief-inflicted dream - it is clear from the tone of the final scene that Bruce survived to enjoy the rest of his life with Selina Kyle, while Batman in fact "rises" again under the sake of a new, more idealistic and driven charge, in John Blake. So no, this one, unless vastly over-analysed, did not at all come to fruition.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.