10 Outstanding Adopted Movie Families

2. A.I. Artificial Intelligence


The fleeting, synthetic (pun intended) family of David, Teddy, and Gigolo Joe is very interesting. David, a robot who can be programmed to love platonically, is given a sentient (I€™m going there) €œtoy€ robot named Teddy (as in bear) to play with, and when the two of them are cast out of the house, David eventually meets a sex robot nicknamed Gigolo Joe, and through circumstance, they all become tied to one another and, because of what they are, immediately truly care about their causes in their own ways. The roles they take switch things up even more. Gigolo Joe looks like the adult of the trio but really is more like the legs or benefactor of the group€”he has the resources, knowledge, the ideas, and the computer logic to make the impossible a reality. Teddy is the wisest and plays the role of guardian with actual logic, while David keeps them together ideologically by giving them a basic, uncorrupted purpose.

They remain true to one another even when it is not in their best interest, respecting one another€™s points of view for the most part quietly as assumed equals, regardless of their size and shape, and when they disagree, they work it out to the extent that they€™re able, albeit not perfectly. The movie uses the personalities of these particular robots to great potential, and tonally, this not only really helps bring out the Pinocchio element, but also gives it more gravitas. Throughout the movie, it is real, traditional families who betray them, as they do all robots, from David€™s Monica, Henry, and Martin, to Gigolo Joe€™s couples he interferes with through his business, to the human families attending the Flesh Fair (with only the illusion of David€™s form allowing them the escape), to William Hurt€™s Professor Hobby. Society breaking apart €œunofficial€ families is common in many movies. But in A.I., even the mass culture family of futuristic robots at the film€™s conclusion breaks things down by actually giving David what he wants, granting his wishes in physical form, something that Teddy and Joe€”David€™s true family members with all of their pros and cons€”could never do, even if they technically had the resources. The blurred questions of genetic and synthetic, and sanctioned and attained, are really brought out through the moments of interaction between David, Teddy, and Joe. It€™s a fascinating combination of elements and is very entertaining.

Ian Boucher is many things when he is not writing for WhatCulture.com -- explorer, friend of nature, and librarian. He enjoys stories of many kinds and is fascinated with what different mediums can bring to them. He has developed particular affections for movies and comic books, especially the ones that need more attention, taking them absolutely seriously with a sense of humor. He constantly strives to build his understanding of the relationships between world cultures, messages, and audiences.