10 Outstandingly Beautiful Cinematic Single Frames

6. Kylo Vs. Luke - Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)

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The Last Jedi split the Star Wars fanbase down the middle, but Rian Johnson and (long-time collaborator) cinematographer Steve Yedlin knew exactly what their visuals were doing when they ventured into the galaxy far, far away.

Drawing from original and prequel trilogies alike, with plenty of modern VFX to spare, the film captured the epic atmosphere and penchant for breath-taking scenes that helped Lucas' films shape the sci-fi canon from the beginning.

The whole final sequence of the film is gorgeous, from the speeders cutting red gashes into the salt flats, to Kylo Ren striding out from the smoke surrounding his craft, but it is the spaghetti western face off frame between Ren and his old master, Luke Skywalker, that really stands out.

A classic scene of good versus evil, against a moody sky and broken landscape, Luke and Kylo's fake-out fight begins with a super-wide side-long framing of the old master returning to face his apprentice, with every detail from edge to edge of the frame pregnant with foreboding.

The featured image is condensed to include both Luke and Ren, meaning the original is even grander, with the lone figures spanning the full reach of its 2.39:1 (aspect ratio) frame.

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