10 Outstandingly Beautiful Cinematic Single Frames

7. Zissou At The End Of The Pier - The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (2004)

Giant Purple Joi Blade Runner 2049
Touchstone Pictures

Considering Wes Anderson's inborn knack for framing, this is a fairly minimalist shot when compared to most of his oeuvre. It isolates the titular Steve Zissou (Bill Murray) as the emotionally isolated mariner that he is; shot as a narrow, sky-blue stick in a night sky's sea of deepest blue.

Though Anderson is known for the symmetry in his films, this example is made perfect precisely because it breaks that mould, presenting a largely symmetrical image that is disrupted by the lamppost stems.

The lights and pier itself give the frame a striking sense of depth from top to bottom, with the only real detail or figure beyond Zissou the distant shadow of an incoming aeroplane. As with many of the best frames in cinema, simplicity is the key.

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