10 Over-Hyped $100 Million Budgeted Movies NOBODY Even Remembers Now

Don't feel bad for forgetting all about A Wrinkle in Time.

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Warner Bros.

As much as hype can elevate a movie to tremendous success, it can also kill a film that fails to meet expectations or even falls way, way short of them.

Yet even many failed flop blockbusters are still memorable - people are still talking about how insanely misguided Battlefield Earth was almost 25 years later, after all.

But what about those films that arrived on a tidal wave of studio hype, failed to make much of a dent with critics or audiences, and then quickly fell off a cliff?

Inspired by this fascinating recent Reddit thread, this article explores those massively over-hyped, big-budget blockbusters costing $100 million or more that nobody remembers today.

Despite their massive budgets, insane ensemble casts, and intriguing plots, these movies made not a single ripple in the cultural conversation, coming and going in a mere instant before being basically forgotten by the masses.

When these films are occasionally brought up online, it'll probably take you a minute to remember much about them - if anything at all. In spite of their incredible promise, each scarcely feels like a movie we've ever actually seen...

10. Mortal Engines

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Hands up if you remember Mortal Engines - the Peter Jackson-produced steampunk blockbuster which tumbled into cinemas in late 2018.

Adapted from Philip Reeve's much-loved post-apocalyptic YA book series, Mortal Engines was widely touted pre-release as the new Hunger Games - Hollywood's latest attempt to adapt an acclaimed YA series into a breakout cinematic phenomenon.

With Jackson not only producing the film but also co-writing the script alongside Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens - who won Oscars for co-writing The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King with him - it was easy to buy into the excitement.

Yet despite glossy trailers showing off the film's hefty budget - said to be between $100-150 million - Mortal Engines came and went without making much of a splash.

Reviews were wildly mixed, with most failing to see it as anything more than a generic YA tentpole releasing years after the well dried up. Despite some interesting design ideas, the characters and story were absolute nothingburgers.

As a result, the film grossed just $83.7 million globally, ensuring any prospect of a sequel or wider franchise was immediately dead in the water. And in the four years since its release, it's basically fallen off the face of the Earth.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.