10 Overexposed Actors Who Should Take A Break Before We Get Sick Of Them

2. Robert De Niro

Film Title: Little FockersI'm already sick of Robert De Niro, you say. Robert De Niro had his heyday. Who cares? Well me, I guess, given that he's probably the best actor on this entire list, and has been making about a hundred movies a year over the last decade or so, slowly devouring our opinion of him with every additional picture that he adds to his ever-worsening filmography. So it's been four films a year for this guy in both 2011 and in 2012. That's a lot. This coming year De Niro has already appeared in two movies, and has three more on the way. But it's really reached the point now where it's no longer exciting to look forward to a Robert De Niro movie - considering his talents, that's kind of embarrassing. Remember how shocking it was when he was actually good in Silver Linings Playbook? It's become the default attitude to just shrug off his next release on the assumption it will be bad. Wait for a movie worthy of your talents, Robert, and let us remember what it feels like to look forward to one of your flicks. Please.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.